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Community Clean-up

We have beautiful communities and wonderful neighborhoods, however every once in a while we need to be proactive in going out and cleaning up debris and other articles harmful to our environment. I propose that we work together as district and organize monthly neighborhood clean-up days. I will work directly with neighborhood association groups to help organize each groups designated clean-up day.

Youth Mentoring and Engagement in the Political Process

Younger people are more likely to develop apathy for the political process. I propose that seminars be presented in schools and extra-curricular programs on the importance of voting and knowledge of the overall political process. If we reach our youth at an early age, they are more likely to gain an affinity for the political process and will internalize the importance of their vote. I will reach out to community groups and schools to organize political seminars to target youth and pique their interest in the political process.


Voter Registration

Younger people when they reach legal voting age, should be encouraged and educated on the process of registering to vote. It must be borne in mind that if one does not vote, one does not have a voice. I will organize voting registration events quarterly on non-voting years, and monthly during voting years to get people involved and registered to vote.


Finally, I commit to always be accessible to anyone who has a need, an idea, a suggestion, or would just like to talk. I look forward to speaking with you soon!

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